Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Justin Bieber Spreads Valentines Love

Justin Bieber has proven yet again that he really does have a big heart. This time he met with a young girl who is diagnosed with cancer to spend Valentines Day with her. The story is really hard to avoid. I have seen it on so many different sites today that I just got sucked into it. I honestly tried to avoid it because the headline was enough for me to understand what happened, but it’s too much to resist. A six-year-old girl named Avalanna Routh that was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called ATRT, has been campaigning on Facebook to get a chance to meet JB. Her movement caught on with so many people that it even made it on the news in Boston. After about 12,000 people ‘liked’ her page on Facebook she finally got his attention. Bieber agreed to fly her family to New York to spend the entire Valentine’s Day with her, which included a chance to mess with his famed hair. During the whole time they spent together a few sweet tweets were sent out. Beiber wrote: “that was one of the best things I have ever done. she was AWESOME. Feeling really [...]


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